Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 2: Rain, Rain Go Away

Alternate title: Day 2: Downhills aren't worth it

Richmond, VA to Mineral, VA

Miles traveled today (all on a bike today!): 54.8
Miles biked total: 118.2
Max speed: 31.5 mph
# of dogs that chased us: 2
# of dogs that would have chased us, had they not been caged: at least 12
# of times we hid from the rain: 4

We woke up bright and early and ready to ride. Unfortunately, it was POURING in Richmond, so we ate some breakfast at Sapna's house (thanks for the awesome soysage!) and waited it out.

We got on the road at about 9:45 a.m. We weren't even out of Richmond the first time we had to hide from the rain. However, throughout the day the rains came and went, and we never needed to hide for more than 45 minutes or so.

We hid at a closed down restaurant, a Friendly's (yum!), a sports camp, and a Domino's (we didn't eat at the Domino's, since we just had Friendly's). Thunderstorms chased us all day. But we were not daunted! And when the sun did come out it was beautiful.

We had originally planned to bike halfway to Charlottesville on Broad St. and just stop at 35 miles (halfway). However, halfway to Charlottesville there are only snake-ridden wheat fields, angry dogs, and children bearing rifles. (<---- 100% true)

So we cut north 20 miles to Mineral, VA, where you can camp at the Volunteer Fire Department for FREE! And they let you use their showers, etc., so it's a great deal. We are blogging from our tent right now.

Other stuff from today .... I had my first fall, Dean's chain fell off again (twice), we saw a huge turtle, a bolt of lightning, and a double rainbow part-way across the sky! It was a VERY hilly ride, which is exhausting. But there will just be more and more hills until we hit the middle of the country, so this is good training. :)


  1. Awesome! I applaud your perserverence. Can't wait to hear what today brings. :)

    Love, Allison

    PS -- DOUBLE RAINBOW! hahahahaha

  2. sending positive energy (directly to your thighs) on day 3!!!!! much xoxos Lucky

  3. Sitting in starbucks reading this and thinking rain sucks! You are brave.
