Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 3: Central Virginia is Like a Rollercoaster, Baby Baby

Mineral, VA to Charlottesville, VA

Miles biked: 40.4
Total miles biked: 158.6
Max speed: 30.5 mph
# of total emotional meltdowns: 1
# of crying jags: 2
# of hills climbed: lost count
# of downhills: too few
# of roads named "Three Chopt": 5
# of weird triangular purple things in trees: 6

Today was a short day. We had originally mapped out a 54 mile route to Charlottesville, but when we hit the intersection with 250 (the road we had intended to take to Charlottesville in my 70 miles per day dream world), we decided to take that road instead, cutting 15 miles off our route. Yay!

We got to C-ville early (about 2:30 p.m.), which was great, since today was essentially half a rest day. But the first (non-rest) half of the day was filled with hills, hills, hills. It was really tough. Early on I lost it on a hill. It was steep, I was exhausted, and I snapped. We stopped, I ate a granola bar, we got back on the road, but I was still kind of a mess. I pulled it together pretty quickly, though.

This trip is really fantastic, and really tough. I like watching the Biggest Loser on TV, and the contestants are forever having emotional breakdowns. Today, I got it. Three back to back days of grueling physical activity with no end in sight, and you snap pretty quick. At least I get to eat barbecue sandwiches.

We saw a ton of weird big purple triangle things in the trees today (and yesterday, and the day before). We keep seeing them. What are they?

Today also saw our first near-death experience. Charlottesville is full of terrible drivers who see bicyclists as expendable objects rather than people with lives. Lots of cars determined to go 70 mph past us, while oncoming traffic fast approaches. Now we know why our map didn't take us down 250.

When we arrived to Charlottesville, my friends Teri and Alex who live here took off work early to meet us! Very, very nice. We got to hang with baby Brandon and eat lots of food, which we always enjoy. :) And tonight we get a bed which is super great, and Teri and Alex are always super fun.

Sadly, no photos today. I only took one during the day, which I may choose to post another day. But there wasn't much exciting scenery, the ride was short, and so was my fuse. ;)

I am actually really worried about tomorrow, when we hit "the big one." Afton mountain. The hill that broke my spirit was maybe a 250 ft increase in elevation. Tomorrow we go up 2000 ft. Let's be honest, probably less. We're going to do what we can do, and we'll have a support vehicle with us (thanks, mom and dad!). The goal is to make it to Love, VA, but if we don't, we don't. Right now we're just doing what we can and getting accustomed to daily hard biking.

Thanks for all the comments so far. We love them!


  1. How can we tell you what the big purple triangly things are if you don't have a picture?

    Hang in there Peaches! You're awesome!


  2. Keep it up Meredith! You guys are doing great. I hope you got some rest yesterday and I will keep you and that 2,000 ft climb in my thoughts!


  3. Hi Mer and Dean!! Keep up the good work! I think you guys are doing great :) And FYI, those purple things are insect traps ( Meowskers is doing well -- She is receiving a lot of attention and petting.

    Keep on truckin! - Allison

  4. Sorry I missed your first couple days -- sounds so exciting! Love your writing -- almost feels like I am along for the ride. Hope today is not as bad as you anticipated and every day gets easier from here on :) Love you both!

  5. The purple things are traps for an invasion species of beetles. Sapna thought they were Easter decorations.

  6. Seriously Peach, you are amazing. I hope you and Dean know just what an inspiration you both are. You are a force to be recon with on the track and I know you are translating that fortitude to this trip. Keep fighting and moving forward and tell adversity to take a hike! You are wonderful! Lovies! Killah

  7. Even with the baby and I feeling all yuck, we had a great time! Can't wait to see you again once you're back!
