Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now!

... We're on the move!

Wow. I can't believe we're actually doing this bike trip. I don't even know how long I've been talking about it, but I think Joy and I first started thinking about it in high school or early college.

And it was never real. (Not like our 40th b-day Kilimanjaro trip will be!) It was just stuff we talked about. And I forgot about it for awhile. In my mid-20s I made a new friend who thought it was a great idea, and I was back on board ... making plans, thinking maybe it might happen. But that fell through, too. So I even started looking around on the Adventure Cycling Association's message boards, thinking I might go with a total stranger (don't worry, mom, I wasn't serious). I had bike fever, but I couldn't go. I was missing one thing I really needed to make it happen.


I love Dean so much. You all know this. One of the things that I love most about him is his total willingness to go along with my crazy schemes, combined with the practical know-how to make them reality. "Run a marathon with you even though I've only ever run 2 miles? Sounds good," says Dean. "Drop our normal lives like a bad habit and ride a bicycle for 3 months coast to coast? Count me in!"

I like to talk and fantasize about travels and fun stuff. A lot of the time, I follow through, but a lot of the time I don't. Dean follows through. Dean is SERIOUS. Dean doesn't say he's going to do something unless he really is going to do it. He means it. He will study and research and figure out the best way to do it, and follow through 100%.

I'm glad. I need his seriousness and his dedication and his enthusiasm to keep me on board.

Really, I'm very excited. But I've been worrying a lot lately too. Lots of things could go wrong. It's a HUGE financial risk, and there's certainly personal safety concerns too. But when I talk to Dean about my concerns, rather than saying, "You've roped me into a dangerous trip that could leave us financially ruined?" he instead calms my fears. He's pretty cool.

So my fears are calmed, and we are about 30 days out! We are in the middle of our super great bike repair course, the Park Tool School at the Rockville Revolution Cycles. We are learning a ton. And we just did a 40 mile training ride this weekend that went very well.

I am beginning to feel like we can do this. We are going to do this! I can't believe we are going to do this!


  1. Oh Meredith -- You and Dean are perfect complements to each other. Like a vase without flowers each of you was fine but together you bring out the best in each other! You both are intelligent and healthy and I am not going to worry (much) that this is not a good thing to do, because I think it is a great thing to do :) You can't miss out on such an opportunity because it might be dangerous or you might spend $$$ you shouldn't. You'll never regret this honeymoon!

  2. I just started reading your blog about your amazing adventure, and I absolutely adore that you did this. In fact, you are inspiring me to do this myself, and I've never even been on a serious bike ride. Much like derby, I don't even remember the last time I was on a bike. But hey, 2 years later, and I'm kicking ass and taking names on skates. I love your enthusiasm and your sense of adventure. One of the greatest things you bring to the Suzies. I also love that you have totally shared your raw experience online. Not many folks have the guts to do that. So kudos to you!
