Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 18: An Unscheduled Rest Day Due to Craptastic Weather

Today we woke up at the regular time and it was dark and pouring rain out. Weather predicted thunderstorms all day. We waited a few hours to see if it would let up. It did a little bit, but neither of us was up for a late start, full day of biking to a wet campsite, so we decided to make it a rest day and wait for sunnier skies tomorrow.

Unfortunately, we don't even have any pictures to post. It was so yucky that we stayed in most of the day. We checked online for Muscatine, IA points of interest, but all we got was an octagonal house that is now used for office space and a pearl button museum. We decided to stay in and read.

We did get lots of rest and are once again ready to hit the road. I also talked to my friend Heather who lives in Iowa, and we're going to meet up with her sometime in the next week or two!

Tomorrow, I think we're shooting for Oxford Junction, IA. Hopefully I'll have something more exciting to report then. :)

PS - Happy 28th Birthday to Dean's sister, Leah!


  1. Man, I would have loved to see pics of the pearl button musuem! I can't believe you guys didn't hit that!! Happy birthday Leah!!
    - Allison

  2. agreed, how could you pass on a museum like that?!!

  3. Aww thanks for the birthday love! Miss you both!
