Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 43: Having 3rd and 4th Thoughts

Washburn, ND to Hazen, ND

Miles biked today: 32.8
Total miles biked on trip so far: 1674.0
Max speed: 25.5 mph
Wind speed: 23 mph
Wind direction: blowing Southeast
Our direction: dead West

It was a hard slog today. On days like this, I think of the trip as our magical misery tour. We were tired, the wind was really strong, and I was having some pretty severe knee pain. We had planned to do 60 miles today, but at 6 mph, we'd end up riding 10 hours. And we were hating life in that wind and cold, so we cut it short.

We were both pretty bummed today. It was supposed to be sunny and warm, but it was cloudy and cool. Dean said that we haven't had a decent weather day since Wisconsin. I say we had some nice days in Minnesota, but I agree with the general sentiment. It's been cold and rainy and windy and gross the entire time we've been in North Dakota, with the exception of a rest day we took in Fargo, two weeks ago. Every day has been a fight and a tough slog, and, as Dean said a few days ago, "I'm tired of slogs."

Today was the first day since the first week of the trip that we seriously considered packing it in. We spent some time today discussing our options. We could take the train to the west coast, or to the mountains and climb the rockies on the bikes. We could rent a car, or a U-haul. We could press on. We haven't really made up our minds. For tomorrow, we're riding again. I think we're going to see if the weather turns in our favor, and if we start enjoying the ride again. Wind is supposed to be even stronger tomorrow, so we'll see.

After all, this is a honeymoon and a vacation, and if we're not enjoying it, we should stop and find something we will enjoy. Right now, the trip is no fun. I'm still homesick, Dean still hates the bad weather. Tomorrow we slog on, and think on things some more. We've really appreciated all your comments so far. Thanks!


  1. Sorry you have been having some tough days. Others along the way warned you that North Dakota would be miserable. You have biked almost 1700 miles and if you choose to see the rest of the USA in a car, I say do it. Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon any way you choose. You both have done an amazing job.

  2. I can relate. Headwinds and rain make for tough rides. You're heading West and I'm heading East and yet we're dealing with the same issues. I've found that each time that my enthusiasm for the ride waned, I'd meet someone or have some experience that reenergized me. I hope you stick it out. Overcoming the challenges will make you stronger.

  3. You've biked more than most people have biked in a lifetime so you do have alot to be proud of. At the same time think of all you would have missed, the people, the anecdotes, the sights, etc. had you packed it in when you started out. On the other hand, don't injure yourself either (ie. knee). Either way, whatever you decide, I hope you keep blogging! You're not only great riders you're terrific writers and could publish this or make a mini-documentary some day. Note to self: Self, never move to North Dakota. Imagine what their winters are like.
