Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 40: Deep Fried Snickers and a Ride Called "The Cliffhanger"

Carrington, ND to Fessenden, ND

Miles biked today: 39.2
Total miles biked on trip so far: 1536.7
Max speed: 20.5 mph
# of calories consumed at the Wells County Fair - appx 6,000 (rough guess)
# of minutes it took to clean our wallets at the fair: 42
# of insistent carnie "barkers" we had to fend off: 3
Pixie dust spread on the Tilt-a-Whirl: 0, b/c the Tilt a Whirl is broken

We had a pretty ho-hum ride today from Carrington. There were no towns where we could stop to eat (though we did stop in Sykeston, which is quite the ghost town), and it was a cloudy, windy, and slightly rainy day. We no longer trust the weather forecasts at all. But we still read them religiously, with lots of hope in our hearts.

Minot is just getting worse and worse, as are the surrounding towns, which means we will not end up going to Rugby, even though I really want to go. There would be no way out other than to either backtrack (undesirable) or head for Canada (we don't have our passports ... and you need passports for Canada now!). But it looks crazy in Minot -- it's the top story on every newscast. I think they evacuated early enough that people are okay, but it looks like there's a ton of damage. :( This is the worst flood they've had in recorded history.

We rolled into Fessenden today at around 1 p.m. in the rain. Luckily, the one motel in town had a vacancy, and it is right across the street from the fairgrounds. We got cleaned up, took a nap, and then headed for the fair. It was pretty fun. We were big news around the fair, having come all the way from Maryland. We saw all the prize-winning animals and jams and flowers, etc. We visited the Wells County Museum and saw the old one-room schoolhouse. After 4 p.m., the rides opened. I really wanted to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl and the crazy spinny ride but they were both out of order, so I took a few turns on the "Cliffhanger," the whole time muttering to myself, "Please don't break. Please don't break." It didn't. Phew! Dean and I had a hearty fairgrounds lunch, consisting of nachos, a burger, two sausages with onions, a caramel apple and a deep-fried Snickers bar (split between us, not each). I do not recommend deep fried candy bars to anyone, ever. Ugh. We also got to see the pet show, which was really cute and fun (see bunny wearing earrings, left).

We are going to head back later to see if the Tilt-a-Whirl in in business. Tomorrow we head southwest (against the wind) so that we can steer clear of the flooding. Thanks for continuing to comment! We love reading them!


  1. The bunny looks so sad....let her go. If the Tilt A Whirl is out of business, but you need extra money, maybe you can get a job as the Yak Woman. Sounds like a good time was had by all.

  2. I think Dean should avoid the Tilt-a-Whirl, especially after the deep-fried Snickers :) He was the one who always got carsick.... Wishing you great weather tomorrow!

  3. Just wondering, how do you pronounce Minot? Is it "minnow" or "min-not" or "my-not".... I still didn't get TV hooked up (like son, like mother) so have not heard this pronounced on the news.
