Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 30: Go West, Young Couple

Dalbo, MN to Bowlus, MN

Miles biked today: 63.6
Total miles biked on trip so far: 1150.1
Max speed: 29.0 mph
# of bicycle tourists too exhausted to come up with other stats: 2

First things first, I meant to post a happy birthday wish yesterday to Dean's mom, Anita, but with all the crazy bunkhouse stuff to report, it slipped my mind. Happy (belated) birthday, Anita!

Today was a beautiful day, ideal for biking. Mostly sunny, in the 70s, slight breeze ... perfect!

I had the most wonderful sleep at the bunkhouse last night and woke up early, ready for the day. It was a bit chilly in the bunkhouse in the morning, but Donn had shown us how to use the heater, which looked more like a missile launcher, and so I (literally) fired it up and we got warm in no time.

In the fridge was a jar of the best strawberry preserves I've ever had. We had them on toast, along with oatmeal and coffee. Yum!

We got on the road and biked about 15 miles to Milaca before we needed our second breakfast. While enjoying our second breakfast, a guy came up to us and said, "Looks like ya dropped your motor out there!" We chatted with him for awhile. He and his friend were super nice, and invited us back to Milaca for a beer sometime. He said to be sure to tell everyone about the crazy guy in Minnesota who bothered us at breakfast. Done and done. :)

We got back on the road and saw the second llama of our trip (we didn't take a pic of the first), along with the standard goats, cows, horses, etc. We did notice a lot of lambs, foals, and calves, etc. 'Tis the season, I suppose! Donn said there were black bears around here, but we thankfully haven't seen any.

We stopped for lunch at the Grub 'n' Pub. From the road, the sign read "rub 'n' Pub," as the awning covered the G, from a certain angle. I thought it fit right in with Philanders and Hoochies, but then we saw the G. Bummer.

Donn told us to go to Jordie's in Bowland and that they would set us up in the park across the street, which they did. They are also doing our laundry for us. Minnesotans are just crazy nice.

Rain is predicted for tonight, so we are once again staying in a tent under a picnic shelter in the public park of a tiny town. Let's hope this isn't Oxford Junction 2: The Revenge. Rather, I'm hoping that Bowlus will redeem small town park picnic shelters everywhere.

We'll let you know tomorrow how it turned out!

Do these saddle bags make my shadow look fat?


  1. First parking in a handicapped space and now this....you lawbreakers. Looks like you are making great process. Great shadow picture. Happy trails again.

  2. so proud of you! and happy late bday to dean. It is the last week of school-- my brain is mush.

  3. Ahhh -- thanks for the shoutout for my birthday on the blog but that bunkhouse was too cool to not be the highlight of the day's account! Your shadow pic reminds me of a T-shirt I have with a fish on it that reads "does this shirt make my bass look big?" Love you!
