Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 47: Motoring in Montana

Wolf Point, MT to Great Falls, MT

Miles Biked today: 0
Total Miles Biked on trip so far: 1800.4
Miles driven in a Buick: 320 some
# of bike tourists passed today: 12

Dean's writing the blog today!

Today we resumed driving toward Missoula. It's nice for a change to be able to cover ground so quickly. We saw a lot of hills (and a few miles of dirt road due to construction) that we sure weren't in the mood to bike!

We saw some beautiful Montana scenery today. There's a little mountain range that we saw to our south, the Big Belt (or maybe Little Belt) mountains. There were some badland looking areas too. The best part was a big canyon that had a little town set in the bottom.

We also saw a bunch of bike tourists today. The first part of our trip today was on Route 2, which is part of the ACA route. We saw two westbounders, about 5 eastbounders (including 2 on recumbents) and about 5 more hanging around outside the Glasgow bicycle shop. When we saw them we both felt kind of sorry we weren't biking too. Maybe once we get to Missoula!

We stopped a couple times at museums in Valley and Phillips counties. We saw a bunch of old pioneer stuff and dinosaurs. Here's a bunch of pictures!


  1. Looks like a fun time for you both. Love the pictures. That part of the USA is beautiful. I used to love to go to a place in San Antonio when I was a kid called the Buchhorn Hall of Horns. It had all kid of stuffed animals and looked just like the picture you included.

  2. Janice's comment. Thank you, Dean, for a great post. Loved the pictures, too. I cannot imagine being a teacher in one of their schools (I'd rather starve!) All grades in one room with windows to wash and outhouses to clean -No thanks.
    I am really glad you are getting a chance to see some of the sights. Get some much deserved rest and enjoy your vacation. Biking 1800 miles is an amazing accomplishment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
