Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 48: A 4th of July Weekend Vacation!

Great Falls, MT to Missoula, MT

We had a beautiful ride in today. I mean, an AMAZINGLY beautiful ride in. It was breathtaking with all the mountains.

It's really cool to just walk around Missoula, which is a great little town, and turn a corner and just see a snow-topped mountain peak.

We are going to kick back this weekend and get some good rest, and then after the 4th we are going to get back on the bikes, one way or another, and keep heading for the coast. We'll either go to Glacier National Park and continue on the Northern Tier, or else we'll get maps for this section of the Trans-Am and bike straight from Missoula. We haven't decided yet.

To be honest, I am just not in the blogging mood tonight, and I can't seem to talk Dean into doing it again, so I'm afraid this is it for tonight. I may not blog again for a few days, or I might blog every night, including adding pictures from today. I'm just going to go where the mood takes me, because for this weekend, we're on vacation!! (and it feels great!). :)


  1. Enjoy your vacation. it is well deserved. Take plenty of pictures to post when you feel like blogging again. You have become my travel writer of choice. Have a great vacation.

  2. So glad you had a great ride in - enjoy your time in Missoula! Blog or no blog, always glad to hear things are going well and you're having fun. Enjoy the 4th!

  3. Kick back and relax! Enjoy a coldy for me. Can't wait for the next installment in the adventures of Meredith and Dean!

  4. Love yesterday's pics. Looks like you're having fun. Have a great weekend and I'll look forward to your next post catching us up on your travels :)

  5. It's probably too late now, but two of our favorite places in Missoula were Liquid Planet coffee shop and Scotty's Table. The food at Scotty's was fantastic, probably even better after weeks of gas station food. If you want a night out, I highly recommend it. We loved Missoula (I looked for job openings when we got back home) and Montana. I don't know where the trail will take you, but if you have the chance to go through Glacier, do it. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Another is northern Idaho. If you go across there, the mountains are amazing. We did a very cool Rails to Trails ride just on the Montana-Idaho border that took us through some crazy dense pine forest. Enjoy Montana!

  6. Hey Colleen, You were not too late! We are sticking around Missoula for a few days yet. It is a very cool town, and we had breakfast at Liquid Planet this morning. :)

    I think we will most likely miss Glacier National Park. It's too bad, because it's the place I most wanted to see, but they got such bad snow this winter that it's still mostly closed. Only very few roads there are open. We may still make it there, but I think it is unlikely.

    I remember when you went to Montana! Did you bike the Rockies? Wow!

  7. I'm just catching up now, so I haven't read your most recent posts yet, but...yay! I'm so glad you made it to Glacier! Okay, back to reading now.

    Oh, and it would be more accurate to say that we biked "in" the Rockies. It was a level trail, formerly a train track, so no more incline than a train can handle. Not a challenging ride, but lots of fun and seriously pretty.
