Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 65: Winding Down

Portland, OR to St. Helen's, OR

Miles biked today: 33.2
Total miles biked on trip so far: 2206.4
Max speed: 23.5 mph
# of minutes it took me to talk Dean into knocking off early: 1

Honestly, today was a pretty boring day. I'm going to throw that out there right now, so you're prepared for the boring blog post. Apologies! It was such a yawn that I didn't take a single picture, so I'm using pictures from our fun day in Portland yesterday.

We left Portland this morning LATE. We woke up late, for no good reason, and then Dean wasn't feeling great. I asked him if we needed to take the day off, but he said he was okay to ride, after a bit of a rest. When we got on the road, it was drizzling, cloudy, cool, and a little bit windy, plus we don't know our way around the town too well yet. It took us awhile to navigate our way out of the city, but we finally got back on the route.

The rest of the ride was all on highway 30, and we'll be on highway 30 all the way to Astoria. Highways are tough because we can't hear each other over the cars, even if we shout, so I have to keep checking my mirrors to make sure Dean's still with me and everything is okay.

The ride was pretty easy, terrain-wise. We chugged along happily, if slightly chilly. But overall, we just weren't feelin' it. Our original plan was to go about 50 miles to Ranier, OR, but when we passed this motel, I said, "Why don't we just stop here?" I just wanted to chill out, read my book, relax. Dean was on board. :)

We were originally going to take 2 - 3 days to get to the coast, and chill at the beach for a few days, but since Joy's going to meet us there on Saturday, we can take it super slow. The weather hasn't been very beachy, so we might as well do 4 short days instead of 2 super long ones or 3 normal ones.

I'm looking forward to making it to Astoria soon. It's supposedly a very cute town, and where they filmed The Goonies!


  1. Glad you got to enjoy some of Portland. Taking 4 short days to reach the finish line will be nice. Hope you have a pretty day for riding today. It will be hot here. Can't wait to see you both. Be careful.

  2. We've been to Astoria and Seaside - great choices! You're almost there~
