Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 62: Sweet, Sweet Onions

Walla Walla, WA

Did you know that Walla Walla is the sweet onion capital of the country? I didn't, but I do now! Their baseball team is the Walla Walla Sweets. Today we went to the annual Sweet Onion Festival, and had sweet onion sausages. We wanted bloomin' onions, but they were sold out when we got there.

We had a good time at the festival, enjoyed some Walla Walla wine -- apparently this is quite the wine country, checked out the town, and, of course, did some laundry. Woot! We have reserved a rental car to take us to Portland tomorrow, and we'll bike to the coast from there.

We are both ready, in some ways, for the trip to be over, and we will also really miss the trip when it's over. But we've ridden through harsh winds, we've ridden in the rain, we've ridden over mountains, we've ridden in sun hot enough to give me heat rash, we've forded streams with no bridges, we've crossed many a closed road, and we've ridden through 100 miles of straight wilderness. In short, we've done this trip. I do want to ride to Seaside from Portland and dip our bikes in the ocean. But we're pretty ready to head home, get clean, take a break.

Tomorrow we head for Portland! We're almost there. We should be home in a week or so.


  1. Yippppeeeeeee. We are so ready for you guys to come home. Sounds like you had a great day. I'm glad you got to do something other than pedal. Take some time and enjoy Portland. I know you will be happy to see Joy.

  2. Walla Walla sounds fun. Who knew about the sweet onion thing? Certainly not me. You learn something every day! Glad you're coming home soon. We've missed you! Safe travels!! Love, Allison

    PS - I ran in to Colleen, Sebastian, Teri and Brandon at Stanton Park yesterday, and again at Bagels & Baguettes this morning. Small world!

  3. enjoy your last few days! come home soon, we miss you!!!

  4. Oh I am so happy for you and us too! Enjoy the last week or so :)
