Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Days 58 and 59: An Unrestful Rest Day, and an Unplanned Rest Day

Still in Lewiston, ID

Miles biked yesterday: 12.5
Total miles biked on trip so far: 2073.7
Max speed: 24.0 mph
Raindrops fallen today: so far, zero

Yesterday we had just about the least restful rest day possible. We went to get Dean a haircut, rode out to buy vitamins and books, did laundry, and rode 5 miles (all up a HUGE hill) to pick up my new wheel. That uphill ride was brutal, and on a very busy road. We really didn't get much rest at all.

However, rain was predicted for the whole night last night, and for the entire day today. Given the weather prediction, we decided to take today off as well. We are definitely relaxing today. Tomorrow should be clear.

I'm a bit worried, though, since I haven't seen a drop fall today. I'm worried it will fall tomorrow instead, while we're climbing our way out of this valley. Boo. But once we get out of this valley, we should be finished with the brutal climbs for good. I am looking forward.

Tomorrow we should be back on the bikes and heading into Washington state. Almost there!


  1. good luck tomorrow! how was the huckleberry wine?

  2. Glad you had a restful day today. You'll be ready for the last climb. Hope you'll have nice weather. We are anxiously awaiting your return. We take Beck back home Friday....he has had fun with his doting grandparents.

  3. Oh I can't wait to hear how beautiful the State of Washington is! Hope you get great weather and an easy climb up the hill tomorrow :) Isn't Washington supposed to be one of the rainiest states? I hope I am confused about that.... Again, wishing you nothing but clear skies!
